No Duff learning centre

Changing the world, one veteran at a time…

Make A Difference - join a special interest group

Special interest groups are a way of bringing small groups of like minded people together to work on specific projects. We are looking for people to become involved in a range of projects that you wouldn't traditionally think of in veterans support. If you can spare a little time have a look and see where you could make a difference.
We are starting special interest groups. Not everyone feels comfortable providing face to face support for veterans. For every person at the front end seeing a veteran we need up to 10 whom provide the platform to make it happen.

The first special interest group was the one that developed the peer mentor course. We have proven that a special interest group with a narrow focus works. Now we have that course in Beta testing its time to really push the boundaries on what can be achieved by small groups of motivated people.

A special interest group (SIG) allows people to focus in on where they feel best able to make a difference, whilst at the same time providing the confidence that there won't be mission creep into other roles. Special interest groups help create community within our volunteer workforce. Those of a like mind come together to work on specific projects in support of the development plan. It is a way of helping to overcome the tendency for people to over commit and burnout.

The overview of the process is each project is approved by the board, the SIG develops the concepts and content that will bring that project to life. A large project may have a number of SIG with input, which is coordinated by the lead SIG for that project. The supporting SIG is given a work package and a timeline to keep it all on track.

We need to form a SIG for graphic content - developing the identity of our brand, creating the illustrations and graphics that will explain the online content, creating the images that will capture the publics interest and bring them on this journey with us. This is a crucial group moving forwards, which will take us from beach combing for content to creating our own content in house.

The special interest group that is most in need of support at present is the IT group. The IT group will break down into a few subgroups, like many open source projects do. We have several projects now underway and need to think about how they will be supported and managed. We need people whom have experience (or are willing to learn) for projects that need server management, web page development, database programming, and app development for IOS and android.
We also need people with a love of data, we need some data wranglers to get the most out the information that we are starting to collect.
Subgroups for this will include;
The server management group,
The web content maintenance group,
The web scraper development group,
The database development group.

A key to success in the future will be the development of a national veterans ID - linked to their NHI and their records. We need a group of people whom can link across many projects that need this and can work through the privacy and ethical issues involved.

We need a SIG that will collect information and make sure it gets to the right place. As we collect veterans stories, their medical histories and the information from the wider published literature we need people whom can see the patterns and the opportunities. The aim is to blend the strengths of our people with the horsepower that technology can bring in order to create real insight into veteran outcomes in New Zealand.

We need a SIG which looks specifically at mental health issues in veterans. As we progress the peer support program we require people whom can build the content, provide the supervision, and adapt the resources to work for our people. We need people with a mental health provider background to form the expert group whom will advise on development. We need people whom can provide supervision or even crisis debriefing for volunteers whom have an adverse outcome.

Mental Health is not the only problem our veterans face, so we need a group whom will look at how we assess the needs and coordinate the responses. How do we create a framework of standing orders that will facilitate our veterans getting the support they need and deserve.

As you can see we need people whom support in many roles, from providing willing hands at the face to face days to help set up to people whom can act as project managers. Whatever your skill, we need keen and enthusiastic people to get involved in the next stages of development. If you think you can help in anyway get in touch.
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