No Duff learning centre

Changing the world, one veteran at a time…

Positive Steps

The first Peer mentor course goes live (yes this year).
The first Peer Mentor course.

After a year of development the first course will go live at the end of September. The first course is a test and adjust to get the inevitable issues with the software and content sorted. It's also to bring some further stories and knowledge to the course - a core element of how we wish to approach this is learning from the course members who will bring their own experience and expertise.

The Peer Mentor course runs over 12 week s and is delivered online with 2 face to face sessions. Its a lot of work to build a course like this, but we recognise its also a lot of work to undertake a course like this. !0 hours a week for 12 weeks is a big ask.

As part of the first course we plan to have a number of observers, whom we hope will add their own knowledge and experience to the mix. The observers have a crucial role - their job is to critically examine what we are teaching and doing and look for ways we can improve.

The aim is to run 2 further courses next year - one Northern and one Southern. Following the 3 initial courses the intent is to open up places to other providers in the veterans community and also in time to other agencies such as police and ambulance.

It is intended that we will undertake MSD accreditation for the course and will also aim for NZQA recognition. Once we build the next modules the intent is to have it all build into a recognised Peer counselling qualification.
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