No Duff learning centre

Changing the world, one veteran at a time…

Induction course

The induction course is live
The induction course for new volunteers and supporters will go live in July. This course is the on boarding package for our volunteers. Its a once over lightly to get people up to speed quickly, recognising the diversity of backgrounds and knowledge that our volunteers bring to the table.
The course is built in 4 modules, giving an introduction to the military, veterans, working in the charitable sector, and the best practices in helping veterans. Each module should take between two and four hours, including videos. Its designed to be able to be done in bite sized chunks, so don't feel you need to spend a day on it. Some of it is not politically correct - if you are a sensitive wee soul don't take it personally. In the first module the videos are intended to highlight some of the cultural differences in particular - for the military veterans enjoy the humour whilst for the civilians remember satire is based upon the truth. We deliberately have not given equal time to each of the services in these modules. We spend a bit more time on Army in particular because the bulk of the crisis work recently has been with Army veterans and because some of the issues we look at are more deeply entrenched in the Army. That said we are looking for good stories (we will protect the guilty), pictures, audio etc for Air Force and Navy in particular.
We have moved to a structure which reflects many community enterprise organisations, with special interest groups undertaking work they are passionate about. Whilst we recognise that our volunteers will be passionate about some things and would rather shit razor blades than do some of the others, its not realistic to just dump people into a group and leave them to it (this is not the military after all). All of our people need a baseline, a common language and understanding to work effectively - which is what this course is about.
This course is the stepping stone into the more in depth modules for each of the special interest groups which we will be publishing in the future. We are looking for leads for each of the groups and for people to donate a few hours to a group. If you would like to become involved on the operations side, administration, development work, IT or media give us a shout - we would love to hear from you.
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