No Duff learning centre

Changing the world, one veteran at a time…

Self help course

A new course - the self help course is well down the development track.
The self help course is our latest offering. It came about from lessons we learned in the peer mentor course and from our many responses to requests for help from veterans. When we sat down to take a look at what we were doing, 80% of the work came from things veterans could do for themselves - they just needed the information and pointing in the right direction. What we found was veterans need information in a few well defined areas;
  • step by step instructions for crises (in our actions on section),
  • how to modules for things like making an application to VANZ, or tools which let us assess where we are now and how we are doing (in the tools section),
  • skills for dealing with the things we struggle with like anger management (in the skill builders section), and
  • the long programs which produce the sustained changes (found in the courses section).
Courses are structured and supported programs leading to psychological change. They are not quick fixes. Think of it like the difference between a soldiers five on using your water bottle and Corps training - its worlds apart.
The self help course is how we tie a whole lot of information together. When we thought about it a whole lot of random modules was not going to produce the change we believed was needed in most cases. The course does use some modules from the sections above. It also involves some work on lifestyle factors (diet, exercise), some psychological change using CBT informed techniques, gestalt therapy and narrative therapy, and most importantly it uses reinforcement through a peer group and a mentor.
The self help course doesn't make a veteran into a civilian, what it does do is help the veteran understand what it means to be a veteran and how to use the tools they already have to their advantage. There are a number of tools in the course to help the veteran manage the challenges that occur post service. The emphasis is on building a mind set and tool set that builds the veterans ability to cope and then to grow. Its a significant commitment on the part of the veteran and No Duff.
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