No Duff learning centre

Changing the world, one veteran at a time…

Self help course update

The self help goes live in April 2023

It's finally here - in testing now. We need your help for some of what we need to do next - tell us what you think.
The Self help course launches in April 2023
After a lot of work it's here - the self help course is in testing. We will unlock modules each month after the first part of the course goes live. That is so that we can fix things in real time. Remember each module will take a couple of weeks or more to complete and it's a work in progress - so don't be shy in pointing out the issues.
We are still looking for personal perspectives, photos, stories - whatever you think will help a mate. Use your phone and take video - tell us about you, what works, what doesn't and we will get it processed and add what we can to the site.
We spent a bit of money on a video and audio processing set up so that we can take what you do on a phone and make it presentable. So don't be shy, it's only by sharing what we have learnt the hard way that others will be saved that pain.

We are working on the web app to go with the course. That is the part o the course that will down load to your phone as an app if you want it. Tell us what do you want in it - just as important what dont you want in it? Let us know so we can build what works rather than just another vanilla app. Do you want a social media platform on the app - something locked to members only perhaps? Do you want a big red button for when the shit hits the fan? How about some soldiers five pieces on how to do the paper war for VANZ/WINZ/ACC or any other bureaucratic institution?

We are looking to start the data project later this year. That is where we start collecting some information to try and work out what the fuck is happening out there. Would you put your story/information in if we could guarantee it's safe - if we can ensure that only you can decide who sees it and what is done with it? If there was a weekly question on the app would you do it?
What's the best way to try and work out what is happening to the veterans? The data project is one of the most important pieces of work we will undertake in the near future. Its what will allow us to know what is happening and therefore argue for what is needed to change the outcomes. It's also what our researchers can use to look at what is happening here - so that we can get local solutions to local problems.
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