Conditional display

A significant part of getting consent from website users is the ability to conditionally hide or display parts of the webpage.

A prime example being the embedded YouTube video below. Our privacy knowledge has already taught us that elements like embedded video offer a virtual window for outside services (like Google and Facebook) to secretly snoop on our website users. The website user can be tracked and followed without their knowledge. Data is transmitted backwards and forwards via the video embed. These services might be building knowledge about what our website users are looking at, prior to targeting them with some adverts later today or tomorrow or selling that data on. Not good!

However you can configure our website to only load this content if you give your explicit consent. Therefore nothing nasty gets loaded that the user has not given their consent towards. No snooping without you knowing about it.

The below example displays a YouTube video if the allow_cookies (our consent popup on the previous page) is equal to true. In other words, the you clicked the 'dismiss' button and its then okay for us to load third-party scripts or services.

If your consent has not been given, then the YouTube video is never loaded.

Explicit control - which you can change at any time. Try it now - click on the privacy link and say no to the videos. Then take a look at this page.
Sorry, the content you wanted to view here could not be displayed, because you have not given your consent yet. Please visit our privacy policy page to review your privacy settings or click the button below to give consent.

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independance, transparency, accountability

The No Duff learning centre (NDLC) is a project of the No Duff Charitable trust (NDCT).