
No Duff Learning Centre

What we expect from those who do our courses

Collaberative learning

Performance-based learning shifts the focus from “tell me” to “see one, do one”, providing the learner with practice in the skills needed to be successful. The teacher creates lessons with opportunities to practice the essential skills. Even in our self directed courses the emphasis is on questioning, on learning from our peers.

Collaborative learning is similar to performance-based learning where learners practice skills, however rather than a teacher pre-determining the lesson and its content, it is the participants who collectively self-determine (through shared experience) the intent and content of the learning experience. The teacher sets the subject, the students do the teaching - its see one, do one, teach one.

In collaborative learning there are facilitators and their focus is on creating a learning environment where collaboration can happen. The job of the facilitator is to set up group experiences like exercises, group discussions, role plays and debriefing questions that help the group to deeply understand and synthesize what is learned. 

Collaborative learning is closer to self-directed learning. There is no teacher with “right answers.” Instead, the process facilitators set up thought-provoking exercises and encourage open, candid, and frank discussion – and leadership is shared with all group members. Open-ended questions initiate the discussion and ensure key concepts are addressed. As much as possible, facilitators sit among the group (not standing or at the head of the group) to demonstrate that everyone is equally responsible for the success of the training. 

Collaborative learning is based on the philosophy that everyone is an expert in something regardless of formal or informal education. Group wisdom is more powerful than a single perspective. 

Collaborative learning forms the basis of peer mentoring. The mentor becomes the facilitator, guiding the mentee in how to achieve their goals. In this course we provide the framework and approach (collaborative learning), the knowledge (psychoeducation) which can be passed on to the mentee, and the skills to formally assess and plan (WRAP) to aid the mentee in achieving what they see as important.

Self help - its in the title

These are not pass / fail courses, they are for your benefit. 

It takes a bit of getting your head around the changes you will need to enact on your journey. About turning up and doing it for yourself because you want and need to, not because you have been told to by someone else. 

Our veterans have some high expectations of us. Military people do not easily come to the point of accepting they are fucked, that they need help. When they reach out they expect us to be there, they expect us to stand by them and to support them no matter how fucked up it gets. And that's fair enough.

We expect in return that our veterans do 2 things in engaging with the No Duff Charitable Trust - they don't fuck us around and they don't fuck others over.

We don't care what someone has done (after several years we have heard it all - maybe even done it ourselves), we don't care what end of the two way range they fought on. We will find support for you for your service related issues.

Knowledge, like air, is vital to life. Like air, no one should be denied it.

Alan Moore, V for Vendetta

Not everyone needs to be the same - this is a place where we celebrate the differences. Unlike the military that seeks conformity and sameness, here we promote uniqueness. We value the individual because everyone has some thing to offer, everyone is an expert in something. This is a place based upon a dignity culture. Dont be afraid to make your opinions known but respect the individual - play the ball not the player.

We are continuously updating our courses and adding new information, so check in often. Let us know what you think we should do, what is it that would make a difference? Leave us comments on what you like, what you think is bullshit and what you think needs to be here.

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independance, transparency, accountability

The No Duff learning centre (NDLC) is a project of the No Duff Charitable trust (NDCT).