
No Duff Learning Centre

An over view of the courses

Why we do it this way

Our motto is Nos Adepto Fieri Stercore - we get shit done.

We expect the veteran to get shit done too.

Whether its self directed like this self help course or its working one on one with a mentor or counsellor we expect the veteran to do the heavy lifting - we support and guide and at times carry our brothers and sisters, but in the end the veteran will do the work that is required. They will self recover, we will enable them to do so.

Life is a journey, we all will pass through predictable stages on that journey and whilst some will linger longer at one place or another, all will end up at the same destination.

Recognising that life has its stages allows us to put information together into logical and useful chunks. You dont need it all at once - you can grab just the bits that will make a difference and come back later for more.

Shown here is a piece of work done by US veterans affairs, the life journey from serving through to ageing and dying. It marks what the US veterans thought were the important things to them at each step upon the journey. 

I don't think we are so different that this would not form a framework for looking at our life journeys. Its instructive as it demonstrates graphically a number of things, that most of our lives are spent outside of the military, that half our adult life will be spent in retirement, and that what is important changes with where we are in life's journey. That journey map helps give context.

When supporting a veteran there is rarely only one problem that needs addressing - its often a tower of cards which threatens to fall with the slightest breeze. The approach we take is to facilitate self recovery no matter where the veteran finds themselves in this journey. Like all journeys, having a map makes the going easier. In the context of Peer support there are a number of models which could be used.

The AA 12 step program is one way of formalising the process, all be it about supporting a very condition specific. Whatever you think about the 12 step process you can't argue that its not a highly successful one. It incorporates the strengths of both individual work with mentoring and the power of peer support from group interactions. However it is the structured approach which may offer its greatest strength as an approach in the veterans community.

We have taken the 12 step concept and added a few steps of our own. We wanted an introduction that includes planning and families, we wanted safety plans, and when it all is done we wanted something about moving on. So our course ended up with 16 steps - which works for us. Then that needed to be delivered in a way that someone can work through online - even without a mentor if need be.

We are continuously updating our courses and adding new information, so check in often. Let us know what you think we should do, what is it that would make a difference? Leave us comments on what you like, what you think is bullshit and what you think needs to be here.

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The No Duff learning centre (NDLC) is a project of the No Duff Charitable trust (NDCT).