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An over view of the courses
These are the training pams we should have got, before we enlisted and especially after we got out.
Our training courses have now gone through a few iterations. We have tried a few ways of delivering information, from complex long courses delivered in a class room to the "she'll be right mate, how hard can it be?"
We have matured in our expectations of what our mentors and our veterans can do and therefore have changed our course delivery - thanks to a lot of feedback along the way. We have found that we need a mix of things to do the job - the right tool for the job makes it much easier. We now have quick step by step fixes for crises , short problem solvers, information modules, and our long courses.
We discuss the courses in depth below and on the next page. Our courses are modular, designed for distance learning t your own pace. The courses are the major change tools - they take a reasonable effort and commitment.
Short modules that sort the everyday shit that trips us up. This is where you find things like anger management, finances and communication.
Step by step solutions for the problems that really grind your gears. This is where you find what to do when it all turns to shit.
How to get shit done - this is where you will find the forms, links, library and other resources
Our material is designed with a mobile first approach. Mobile is where most of our veterans will interact with the material - on their phones. The phone is what they are most likely to have on them when things get messy. Our site will automatically detect the type of device being used and reformat accordingly - just don't expect it to be as pretty on your big screen desktop because it wasn't designed for that.
Mobile first places some constraints - they don't have big screens and data is always going to be an issue. Hence the videos are kept to a small screen size and they don't autoplay. As we get feedback and improve the site we will deploy the web app - that will give the option of having the key material from the site available offline - big download on wifi then you are not using the data when out and about. When we are happy with the web app we will deploy more features, many of which are already in development.
Our approach is that the users need to contribute to evolve the site, so we need our users to give us feedback in the comments. This is because we use no tracking, no google analytics, no page trackers of any kind on the site. That was a conscious decision - but it means we are blind unless the users tell us what they like, don't like and want.
The induction course is designed for volunteers whom have either no military experience or no experience in volunteer work. Its also designed to give a once over lightly of the key issues which veterans and their supporters face.
It has 4 main modules which are intended to be worked through in order - so if you are ex military you dont get to don't skip the military part. There are bits in every section that will be new to everyone.
The first module gives an over view of the military and what military life is like. It also looks at the indoctrination process and the culture within most Western militaries.
The second module takes a look at veterans - what happens when someone release from the military, what its like trying to reintegrate into civilian life and what the outcomes are like.
The third module looks at veterans support in New Zealand - government departments, charities and volunteers. It looks at being a volunteer, at charities and No Duff in particular, at what happened historically to get us to where we are now, what works and what doesn't.
The last module is about best practice, some principles on how to look after yourself and the veteran. This covers the roles, boundaries, the law - all the dry but important shit that makes this work.
This is a course which is unique, we have have not found anything like it anywhere (if we had we would have copied it and saved a shit load of work). Its unique because it brings together several techniques that would usually be done face to face and uses them in a self directed course - its the missing mentor (or the wingman for you Air Force types). It's also unique because it's for veterans, so its not politically correct, it uses the language that veterans use. The language and content can be direct and confronting - we make no apologies for that.
We have taken what we have learned from supporting our people both in service and post service and distilled out what we think is important. The material is drawn from the published literature, from our own experience, from advice from many Professionals whom generously answered our questions, and most importantly it comes from the veterans themselves.
Its an 80% course. When we looked at what we respond to, 80% of the problems could be managed by the veterans themselves with the right knowledge and tools and a little guidance. That information is what we included here. It's not everything by any means, it's the soldier's 5 on how to self recover when you are in the shit.
We have 2 main offerings here.
The first is actions on. These are quick recipes for urgent problems such as feeling suicidal. Not a lot of explanation, just follow the prompts to get the job done.
The second product is the skill builders. Where do you find out how to get a Gp, or get your service records, or apply for a benefit, or get help with your VANZ applications. These are step by step guides to the common problems.
Mental injury is our most pressing and frequent presenting problem. Many of the presentations are wrapped up in a whole lot of maladaptive shit - drugs, alcohol, violence, you name it and we see it. The pre course gets some basics squared away, which means we can maximise the benefit of the residential component. We aim to have a tiered approach to the residential component - do one then come back for another to achieve 2 things - ensure you have it sorted and act as a resource for the next poor sod we get on the course.
This course is about taking the next steps - about progressing from illness to wellness, maximising what we achieve in life. This is a course that looks at the whole picture - our physical, mental and spiritual well-being within our community. Its about giving back to our families and our community and regaining that sense of purpose.
This course is for the mentors - how to be a mentor. It goes hand in glove with the self help course. This course is about how to use the self help course as a resource to get a veteran moving. Its also about the skills needed to support someone, about the boundaries of peer mentoring, and the actions on when it gets a bit a rocky.
This course is about how the peer mentor takes it to the next level - working within a multidisciplinary team delivering care under the direction of the clinical team. It dovetails into our virtual veterans clinic and the face to face specialist clinics. It is also about supporting the veterans primary care team, helping them navigate the often bewildering complexity of veterans support.
The mentor and supervisor for the mentors. Working in this area is hard, the best people to advise and support are those whom understand it because they have done it. We tech about how to look after the mentors, how to ensure they stay within their boundaries, and about the quality assurance in our service delivery. The peer supervisors work in concert with the clinical director and the psychological medicine leads to provide a safety net for all involved.
We are continuously updating our courses and adding new information, so check in often. Let us know what you think we should do, what is it that would make a difference? Leave us comments on what you like, what you think is bullshit and what you think needs to be here.
The No Duff learning centre (NDLC) is a project of the No Duff Charitable trust (NDCT).